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rEDOLENT Brings Authenticity and Emotion in Latest Album "Dinny Greet"

rEDOLENT is an indie pop band based in Edinburgh, Scotland with members Danny and Robin Herbert, brothers who front the band, drummer Andrew Turnbull, Bassist Robbie White and Alice Hancock on live samplers.

The band’s most recent album “Dinny Greet”, translating to “Don’t cry” in Scots, explores the themes of mental health, nostalgia, and making the best of difficult situations in everyday life.

The album’s authentic feel is something that listeners can really get lost in, something Robin resonated with. “When I was younger and get a bit lost in them (albums) for a while, take my mind off things.”

He told me that the album is a good starting point for them and provides a good foundation “something to kick start us into the next few years of being more prolific.”

The members started music early in their childhoods and have been a band for about 12 years “We’ve been playing music all our lives pretty much”. Robin told me. 

Robin's obsession with music has been consistent their whole life “It’s just been the complete main focus of my life forever.” He recounted the moment of realisation that people’s lives didn’t revolve around music as much as he does.

The band's typical writing process takes place in a studio at Post Electric in Edinburgh where Danny works. “We used to sneak in there”. Robin told us how rEDOLENT has always produced, recorded, and mixed everything themselves. They got signed a couple of years ago and are in the studio most days. 

Usually, Robin will write a verse or chorus and bring it into the studio for it to be finished off with the band. His overall inspiration comes from life “I just love observing and picking bits that stick out to me or I find memorable”.

Currently, rEDOLENT is performing their headlining gigs outside of Edinburgh but has music on the way. “We’ve always had a huge backlog of unfinished songs - we need to start catching up”. rEDOLENT plans to finish off their next album and hopes to release two in the next two years. Robin wants rEDOLENT to be known for contributing to something good, positive and different. 

Listen to their latest Album Dinny Greet:


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