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From Session Musician to Solo Artist: Jack Tustin's Journey with "Broken Biscuit Company"

Jack Tustin has established himself in the music industry as a session musician, playing the double and electric bass for notable musicians such as HAIM, Matilda Mann and Self Esteem, to name a few. 

He began writing songs at 13 and has been working to put music out for 10 years now. He studied the bass closely and it wasn’t until the pandemic hit that he could delve back into the world of writing and releasing songs. 

“I’ve not bitten the bullet until now,” Tustin said.

After winning in his category of the UK Songwriting Contest in 2022, he started “Broken Biscuit Company,” an artist project allowing him to continue his work as a session musician and work under an alter ego to establish his career in a different light.

At the age of 16, before his aspirations of being a musician settled in, he wanted to start a supermarket that sold perfectly-good but non-aesthetically pleasing food. Vegetables in funny shapes and colours; things that may have been broken but still very much edible. 

“I didn’t get much further than think of the name Broken Biscuit Company,” Tustin said.

Wanting to keep his music and name separate, he decided to settle on an alter ego using this moniker.

Jack Tustin Photographed by Charlotte Alex

This year, Tustin released his debut single “Million Small Beginnings” and his second single “Stunt Double,” later on the 21st of June. Taking inspiration from the likes of Darwin Deez and Rex Orange County, Broken Biscuit Company has a relaxing yet upbeat sound with lyrics that can relate to many.

Broken Biscuit Company’s debut single “Million Small Beginnings” is a nod to everyone’s frayed attention spans. When Tustin was a child he recalled struggling to focus, and had a plethora of bright and colourful ideas before he committed himself to music. 

“I’d always be tripping at the finish line,” he said.

The upbeat and optimistic sound, with lyrics depicting loud dreams in a busy mind makes this song all the more relatable, the lyric “I made a plan to make a plan” is something that Tustin described as the story of his life and is ultimately the reality for so many.

“It's a pretty universal thing being disappointed with how much you can achieve in a day of week or year,” he said.

Jack Tustin Photographed by Charlotte Alex

Broken Biscuit Company’s latest single “Stunt Double” is now approaching its third week since its release. Inspired by Quinton Tarantino's film, “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood,” the song is about having a stunt double — someone to take the hits during the less savoury parts of life — particularly a relationship allowing you to sail through all the good moments. Its catchy and upbeat chorus, combined with the clever and very relatable storytelling, make for a great song and there's more of it to come.

“You know 10 years in the making I’ve got quite a lot of backlog,” he said. 

Broken Biscuit Company has an EP in the works with a release date on the horizon. The EP will include a collection of new songs centred on navigating the dating world and the feelings and emotions that come with it. Tustin’s plan is to release music more consistently.

Listen to the latest single "Stunt Double" by the Broken Biscuit Company:

Photographer Credit Charlotte Alex


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